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Welcome to

East Kish Lutheran Parish

“God is light; In him there is no darkness...” 

[1 John 1:5]

Thank you for visiting us online. East Kish Lutheran Parish is comprised of two Lutheran Churches: St. Paul's in Milroy, PA and St. John's in Siglerville, PA. We share a pastor, ministries, activities, and special services. Please feel free to explore our site and visit our Facebook page. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to call, email, or visit us in person. We would love to get to know you!

“It is, therefore, [Christ's] purpose to teach us how his work is to be done in the Christian church after his resurrection, namely, that he will not reject nor cast out those who are weak in their faith, yea, not even those who are held in error or ignorance, or who are otherwise weak, fearful, and despairing. They are rather the very persons in whom he will exercise and manifest the power of his resurrection, not only by inviting them to come to him, but also by coming to them, and treating them in the gentlest and kindest way, talking with them, teaching and instructing them, yea, even eating with them, until at length they grow strong and secure in their faith; while their hearts, so sad and sorrowful for a time, are again filled with joy.” – Martin Luther

Sunday Services

St. John's


Worship: 9:15 am

Adult Class: 10:30 am

 St. Paul's


Adult Class: 9:30 am

Worship: 10:45 am

Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and on festival Sundays

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