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Our Ministries

We have different ministries through which we reach out to help our neighbors, both near and far. Some are ongoing throughout the year and some are active during different times of the year.

Meals on Wheels

Twice a week local churches take turns preparing and delivering meals for Meals on Wheels. We make the meals on the first Tuesday of every month.

VBS Service Project

Each year our VBS includes a service project. This year we collected needed supplies for Indian Valley Elementary School. Last year we collected items for personal care kits that were sent to help the people in Nepal after the country was devastated by several major earthquakes.

Heavenly Helping Hands

Heavenly Helping Hands is a group  that knits and crochets different items such as hats, scarves, mittons, and slippers. We also knot fleece blankets. The items are then distributed at Christmastime to the local homeless shelter, women's shelter, and nursing homes.

Christmas Gifts for Families in Need

At Christmas time, each church adopts a family in need for whom we provide clothing and other gifts. We also collect personal care items for local nursing homes.

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